Gregory Hung

Gregory Hung

Gregory is a seasoned asset manager with over 20 years of experience and strong investment expertise across innovation equities, longevity, and alternative investments. Before joining Kaleido Private Bank, Gregory was Chief Investment Officer at an investment boutique responsible for strategies focusing on exponential technologies across various sectors and technologies. Earlier in his career, he performed due diligence for growth companies in healthcare, life sciences, and technology, and chaired the alternative investment committee for a major Swiss bank.

As a fund manager, he has a strong track record in managing multiple high-performing equity and liquid alternative funds. Gregory brings a unique blend of strategic leadership, technological acumen, and investment expertise, continually striving to uncover opportunities for growth and innovation at the intersection of longevity and technology. Gregory Hung studied banking and finance at the University of Zurich and obtained his Master’s degree in the same subject at the University of St. Gallen. An accomplished athlete, Gregory also excels in personal fitness, having competed at the CrossFit World Championship twice and earning a spot among the top 20 athletes worldwide.

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