Christoph Glaser

Christoph Glaser

Christoph brings over 15 years of management experience to his position as CEO of TLEX® Europe. In his capacity, he has introduced TLEX® in more than 50 countries. The rich experience of the diverse cultures of the world and understanding of global social-economic and political scenarios has helped him to establish several public-private partnerships for social development. He is also the Managing Director of the World Forum for Ethics in Business, which holds a yearly conference in the European Parliament.

Christoph has conducted leadership, well-being, resilience, and ethics programs in Europe, Middle East, Africa and the Americas. Over the last 15 years, he has taught in companies such as: Supercell, Tetra Pak, Accenture, Boston Consulting Group, Beiersdorf, GE Healthcare, the World Bank Group, the U.S. State Department, and Harvard Business School.



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