Chris Mirabile

Chris Mirabile

Chris Mirabile is an internationally recognized longevity expert and the founder and CEO of NOVOS, the world’s leading consumer longevity platform.

At an early age, Chris faced health challenges – a brain tumor – that sparked his passion for longevity medicine and gaining a deeper understanding of the connection between aging, disease, and mortality.

Chris shares his personal longevity journey on his blog, Slow My Age, where he tracks his lifestyle, self-experiments, and biological data while exploring how he successfully slowed his biological aging by 37%. Chris has been featured in dozens of publications, including Business Insider, Forbes, Fortune, The Wall Street Journal, and Insider, has spoken on over 100 podcasts, forums, and conferences, and will be featured in two upcoming longevity documentaries.

Based in Miami and New York, Chris created NOVOS, a Public Benefit Corporation with the mission of making longevity achievable and accessible for all. NOVOS is the first human longevity company to simultaneously address the 12 biological causes of aging through its scientifically validated, patent-pending, over-the-counter formulations; best-in-class biological age tests; and free digital tools.
NOVOS’ formulations are in a class of their own, being studied at academic labs and found to reduce DNA damage, cellular senescence, and oxytosis/ferroptosis; shown in a human case study to slow down epigenetic pace of aging for 73% of participants, with 0% accelerating; and multiple NOVOS customers featured in the news for being globally ranked in the top 5 for slowing their pace of aging.
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